Beef Jerky Brands

Representing hundreds of craft beef jerky brands

We are the Craft Jerky Directory, from small batch jerky brands to large well known names. Search alphabetically or search by state.  Not just the United States, around the world. Find reviews on all kinds of craft beef jerky.  Want to try some beef jerky you have never had before?  Jerky UP!  A resource for the beef jerky lover.  Beef Jerky Brands – The Craft Jerky Directory! – Enjoy!

Beef Jerky Near Me

FireCreek Snacks – Delicious Hand-Crafted Beef Jerky Marinated in Beers & Wines Naturally Smoked for a Unique Northwest Flavor

Now you can Find all your craft jerky in one place.  It’s about time we jerky connoisseurs have one site that list all the jerky brands and web sites on the net.  Jerky Up is doing just that.  Jerky UP!  Beef jerky is sometimes referred to as a gourmet snack.  Please enjoy the work we are doing to bring you a site that list every jerky company on the planet.  In just about every interest, sports, wine, baking, hiking, cheese and on and on people love having one location to find every company involved in that particular interest.  Now we have one for the world of jerky lovers!  Jerky Up! Beef Jerky Brands

Beef Jerky Brands – Jerky UP!

Many people ask why is jerky so expensive?  If you have never made jerky or not sure of the complete process to getting a quality jerky, you need to understand that it is quite an operation to make jerky in your kitchen not to mention in larger quantity for resale.

Is Beef Jerky Good For You?


Can you really lose weight with beef jerky?  The Beef Jerky Diet…

Jerky Stuff

All Jerky – Beef Jerky – Best Beef Jerky Reviews – Deer Jerky – Elk Jerky – Jerky Direct – Premium Products – Jerky Videos – Kickstarter Projects – Marijuana Beef Jerky – Pork Jerky – Turkey Jerky – Beef Jerky Outlet – Marinade – The Jerky Wrangler – Beef Jerky Chocolate Bar – The Beef Jerky Gang – What’s Beef Jerky? – Homemade ground beef jerky seasoning recipesBrands of beef jerky B.A.A.R.K Foundation

Types of Jerky

beef jerky – deer jerky – elk jerky – pork jerky – fish jerky – turkey jerky – buffalo jerky – ostrich jerky – venison jerky – bacon jerky – pineapple jerky – Kangaroo Jerky – Gator jerky – mushroom & Pineapple jerky (for vegetarians)

Why is beef jerky so expensive?

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Variety Is The Spice Of Life! – Beef Jerky Brands

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