PacknTec’s Ultrasound Cleaning System
A Perfect cleaning solution for Jerky Production.
This completely changes how you clean your production components!

PacknTec’s Ultrasound Cleaning System was designed for food processing companies. It’s perfect for cleaning Jerky racks. It makes short work of the difficult, time-consuming work of cleaning processing components, which have traditionally been cleaned by hand. What took several man-power hours and labor, now takes minutes. Ultrasound stimulation breaks the bond residue has formed on processing components. Stainless steel racks, even Teflon racks come out sparkling clean in just minutes with just water.
PacknTec’s Ultrasound Cleaning System is available in standard or custom configurations.
AND… it’s very affordable. The return-on-investment (ROI) is extremely fast.
Call Today for information… 888-232-8566, or visit our website
PacknTec, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95838, USA