
Craft Jerky Brands in Oregon

Craft jerky brands in Oregon

Gary West Smoked Meats – Artisan Smoked Meats.  690 N 5th St, Jacksonville, OR 97530 – (541) 899-1829

Jaivika Naturals *- Genuinely Good

Jerky Net – Home to Taylor country farms

Northwest Bierhaus Jerky – Oregon wine country jerky

Old Trapper Smoked Products – “Taste the best”.  4071 24th Ave, Forest Grove, OR 97116 – (503) 359-542

Salt, Fire & Time – Locally sourced , nostalgically delicious

Shurky Jurky – “A brand new take on a simple snack food. LUXURY. JURKY.™ Refined for HER. Savored by HIM. Adapted to YOU.™”

Tillamook Counrty Smoker – Beef Jerky From Tillamook Is The Best Tasting Sought After Jerky In The USA

Werner Gourmet Meat Snacks – Just eat it! 2807 3rd St, Tillamook, OR 97141 – (503) 842-7577

Whiskey Hill Jerky *- Best Beef Jerky On The Planet

Craft jerky brands in Oregon

Oregon is a coastal U.S. state in the Pacific Northwest known for its diverse landscape of forests, mountains, farms and beaches. The city of Portland is famed for its quirky, avant-garde culture and is home to iconic coffee shops, boutiques, farm-to-table restaurants and microbreweries. Highlights include the Native American art in the Portland Art Museum, the Japanese Garden and the Lan Su Chinese Garden.  Sources include: United States Census Bureau

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