
Craft Jerky Brands in Kentucky

Craft jerky brands in Kentucky

Beef Jerky Kentucky

D’s Jerky – Made in Kentucky 100% Angus Beef.  1990 KY-138, Dixon, KY 42409 – (270) 639-5055

Mingua Beef Jerky – The Original.  180 Cleveland Dr, Paris, KY 40361 – (859) 987-9719

Pap’s Beef Jerky and Pap’s Beef Sticks – The tender moister beefier beef stick and beef jerky too

Beef Jerky Kentucky

beef jerky kentucky

Kentucky is a southeastern state bounded by the Ohio River in the north and the Appalachian Mountains in the east, with Frankfort the state capital. The state’s largest city, Louisville, is home to the Kentucky Derby, the renowned horse race held at Churchill Downs on the first Saturday in May. The race is preceded by a 2-week festival and celebrated in the Kentucky Derby Museum year-round.  Sources include: United States Census Bureau

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