Jerky Wrangler

Epic Wagyu Beef Jerky Stick

Video Review of Epic Wagyu stick

Welcome to the Jerky Wrangler: Behind me, you see, no doubt, beautiful Big Bear Lake, and also there’s Castle Rock over here over my right shoulder. Castle Rock is an awesome place for rock climbers to test their skills. When they’re rock climbing, obviously, they need a good protein kick, and beef jerky’s a good way to go. Now, if they don’t want to carry a whole bag of beef jerky, what’s an alternative? Carry a stick of beef jerky. We know there’s some very popular sticks out there. There’s the Slim Jim, Jack Links makes sticks, Tillamook makes sticks. All kinds of sticks out there, and you see those sticks just everywhere, but here’s a different brand. It’s called Epic. They do make a packaged jerky, but they also make these sticks.  Epic Wagyu Beef Jerky Stick…

What’s interesting about that, because it’s a stick and it’s a chopped and formed product, it’s not your hand-sliced jerky, we know that. What’s nice about these guys is, unlike the very popular brands that you see at every gas station across America, these beef sticks have no nitrates, no monosodium glutamate, none of the preservatives, food coloring, all the other weird stuff you find in there. Big, long lists of ingredients. No. In fact, this simply has grass fed Wagyu beef, wildflower honey, water, sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder. That’s it. The ingredient list sounds pretty good. Sounds like good things to chow down on, but let’s go ahead and see. It has to have the taste, too. Let’s give this one a try.

Epic Wagyu Beef Jerky Stick

Epic Wagyu Beef Jerky Stick

Having tried the Wagyu beef stick from Epic, I can tell you it’s very tender. In fact, you can see from the back here, lots of flecks, very tender. Again, it’s chopped and formed, so you cut straight through when you bite into it. No gristle, nothing hard inside. It’s a very tender designed stick. How would it rate? Compared to a Slim Jim, this is better. It has a real good flavor. You can taste that slight hints of honey. You can taste that little bit of black pepper, little bit of garlic in there. They’re all subtle flavors, but they’re there. It adds to the complexity of the beef stick. It’s definitely better than your mass-produced sticks, and it’s got the good ingredients. On a stick, I would go probably, I want to say eight to nine. About eight to nine on the stick.


That’s about where I’m going to go ahead and plug this one in. Again, my preference, my ultimate preference, is hand-sliced beef jerky. You know me. You’ve watched my reviews. You know I love the hand-sliced beef jerky, but this is an option. If you don’t have room for the big bags. You don’t want to spend the extra money. You just want a couple quick bites or whatever for, again, when you’re rock climbing, hiking, whatever, boating. This can fit the bill for you. Maybe even fitness fanatics. They like that Paleo diet. A stick works wonderful. Try the Epic Wagyu beef stick strip, and I think you’ll like it. Keep tuning in to the Jerky Wrangler. See you next time. Don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks. Bye.  Epic Wagyu Beef Jerky Stick…

Epic Wagyu Beef Jerky Stick

Epic Wagyu Beef Stick

The Jerky WranglerThe Jerky Wrangler