
Craft Jerky Brands in Alaska

Craft jerky brands in Alaska

Alaska’s Best Salmon Jerky – produce’s the worlds best wild salmon jerky.

Indian Valley Meats Inc – It’s wild, it’s Alaskan! 200 Huot Cir, Indian, AK 99540 (907) 653-7511

Tony’s Killer Beef Jerky AK – 100% Buffalo, Deer, Elk & Beef Jerky. Can’t be bought in stores.

Craft Jerky Brands in Alaska

Alaska, northwest of Canada, is the largest and most sparsely populated U.S. state. It’s known for its diverse terrain of open spaces, mountains and forests, with abundant wildlife and many small towns. It’s a destination for outdoor activities like skiing, mountain biking and kayaking. Massive Denali National Park is home to Denali (formerly called Mount McKinley), North America’s highest peak.  Sources include: United States Census Bureau

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