About Us

Here’s what Jerky Up is all about:

We are in the process of listing every jerky company, manufacture, seller and the smallest craft jerky makers on the planet. 

You will find all kinds of jerky from beef jerky to mushroom jerky and every jerky in between. 

Jerky dehydrators, marinades, spices and even private label companies that will manufacture, package and label your very own jerky and send it to you to sell as you will.  All of this and more.  

We want this site to be a “WIN WIN” for everybody! 

Have a look around and try some jerky you have never had before…

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Frank Parker Jr. (virtual assistant) – frank-parker

Kelly Bee (financing) kelly

Ron Pro (founder) ron-pro-300

Search By State

After months of searching the internet high and low for a site that list jerky web sites from around the globe and not finding a single one. We thought with our experience we owed it to you and ourselves.  We do have experience with directories.  From rubber stamp stores to camo gear shops for hunters and outdoorsmen to dirt track racing for stock and open wheel race cars just to name a few.

Our Main Goal:

Search Alphabeticly

Our goal is to list every serious jerky maker, supplier, physical store and web site that has anything to do with jerky. 

If you make and sell jerky or just sell it and would like to be included on this web site just send your name and web address to frank @ jerkyup.com   Jerky Up

The Importance of links:

Links are incredibly important to the virtual landscape of the internet because they connect related content across the web. If you pay close attention to how you read & find content yourself. You’ll appreciate all the links & references on the internet. Imagine a web with no links.

Thank You Mountain America Jerky

Beef Jerky Brands – Jerky UP!

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