Homemade Peppered Beef Jerky Recipe Keto
One of my go-to snacks. Beef Jerky!! I hope you guys enjoy this super quick and easy way to make beef jerky. I will use any beef that is affordable and lean, so don’t worry about grass fed if it’s not in the budget.
If you buy beef jerky it is nearly impossible to find a keto friendly brand that isn’t super expensive. I can’t tell you how name times I have made beef jerky in the past few years, a lot! Perfect for the beach, hikes, lunches, or even part of a meal. I hope you guys give making your own jerky a chance, it’s so worth it.
Jerky UP would like to thank Michelle for such a great video. Quick and to the point, her homemade peppered beef jerky. You will like her YouTube channel so subscribe so you don’t miss any of her new videos.
xoxo, Michelle Rock – YouTube Video Channel *
Hey guys welcome back to my channel, today as you could tell through the title I’m gonna be showing you how I make my peppered beef jerky so let’s go ahead and get started.
First I’m just going to use my mortar and pestle and grind up my pepper because I’ve used the hand-crank ones you know where you just burn out your wrist so avoiding that and just use my mortar pestle besides I just love being able to get it really fine and having chunks at the same time.
So I’m just grinding it up really really well, if you want it even finer just keep grinding and you can just make it however fine you want. I do about 50/50 salt and pepper I like it really peppery so that’s what it looks like and this is the meat I’m using.
I’ve used all different kinds of meat, I just like to make sure it’s very lean that way there’s not a whole lot of fat dripping all over the place inside of the dehydrator.
I’m really rubbing in that salt and pepper and getting it ready for the dehydrator. I only have two trays so I’m not able to do all of this meat in one night because I dehydrate overnight.
You can cut it ahead of time and trim it to fit or you can just kind of work it in there and just make sure not to overlap it. However you want to fit it just get it in there the more you can fit the better in my opinion.
So for this I’m just going to dehydrate it overnight depending on how thick your meat is you can go anywhere from like eight to ten or even more hours depending on how dry you like it.
I like mine really dry and so does Ryan so as you could tell that’s very dry. I don’t like it when it’s moist at all.
So that’s it you guys super simple you can play with the ingredients if you want to add other spices or herbs to your beef jerky. But I like it simple I usually just do salt or I just do salt and pepper.
I hope you guys like this video if you did please give me a thumbs up and if you end up recreating this beef jerky or if I inspired you tag me on Instagram or in my Facebook group

Thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate it subscribe if you’re not subscribed already and I will see you in the next video. Michelle Rock